What is PIC Microcontroller?

                                 What is PIC Microcontroller?

PIC Microcontroller



     PIC stand for peripheral interface controller and it will be coined by microchip technology Inc. It is a controller of low end range, mid range, and also of high end range. 

      Examples Of PIC microcontrollers i.e. PIC16F877A and PIC16F876A


What is  PIC16F877A Microcontroller?

PIC16F877A Microcontroller

            PIC16f877A is one of the most effective controller used in the industry. It is very convenient to use. And the programming used for this is very easy.

It has many advantages but the most important one is that it can be use for write and erase as many times as one can want to do because it has flash memory technology. It has 40 pins and number of input pins are 33 and these are also use for output.

PIC16f877A is used for projects of Microcontroller. PIC16f877A have many applications used in digital electronic circuit.

Pin description of PIC 16F877A

           Pin Configuration


This microcontroller has 40 pins. It consists of following timers, two are 8 bit timers and one is 16 bit timer. 

Serial ports, parallel ports, five input/output ports and also capture and compare modules are present in it.

Pin 1: MCLR

MCLR is first pin of IC. It function is to reset the controller. Resetting controller will bring back to first line of program and it will clear data which is running in background.

Push button is used to this pin. If we want to reset the IC we have to push the button which will reset the controller.


Pin 2: RA0/AN0

Port A consist of 6 pins, from pin 2 to pin 7 and all these pins are bidirectional input/output pins. First pin of the port is pin 2. Pin AN0 used as an analog.

PIN 3: RA1/AN1

Pin 3 can be analog input 1.


PIN 4: RA2/AN2/Vref-

It can be act as the analog input 2 or analog reference voltage which is negative can be given to it.


Pin 5: RA3/AN3/Vref+

 It will be act as analog input three or can act as analog positive reference voltage.


Pin 6: RA0/T0CKl

 This pin act as clock.


Pin 7: RA5/SS/AN4

This can be analog input 4. Synchronous serial port is present in controller and this pin used as slave select for port.


Pin 8: RE0/RD/AN5

This pin is from bidirectional input output port. It can be analog input 5 or parallel slave port and can be act as read control pin which will be active low.

Pin 9: RE1/WR/AN6

It is analog input six and for parallel slave port it is act as write control which is active low.


Pin 10: RE2/CS/A7

It is analog input 7 and for parallel slave port it is act as control select which is active low just like as read and write control pins.


Pin 11 and 32: VDD

These pins are positive supply for both input and output and logic pins. And both of them connected to the 5v.


Pins 12 and 31 : VSS

These are ground  reference for both input and output and logic pins. And should be connected to the zero potential.


Pin 13: OSC1/CKlIN

It is oscillator input or external clock input pin.


Pin 14: OSC2/CKlOUT

This pin is a oscillator output and a crystal resonator connected among pin 13 and 14 which provide outside clock to microcontroller here it will indicate the instruction rate of cycle.


Pin 15: RC0/T1OSO/T1CKL

Port c consist of 8 pins. It is also a bidirectional port and pin 15 is the first it can be clock input of the timer 1 or oscillator output of the timer 2.


Pin 16: RC1/T1OSI/CCP2

It can be oscillator input or to compare two input with two output.

Pin 17: RC2/CCP1

It can be capture 1 input or compare 1 output


Pin 18: RC3/SCK/SCL

It is output for sp1 or 12 c modes and can be input/output for serial clock.


Pin 23: RC4/SDI/SDA

 It is SPI data in pin or in 12C  mode  it is data input/output pin.

Pin 24: RC5/SDO

It is the data output of the SPI in SPI mode.


Pin 25: RC6/TX/CK

It will be synchronous clock or USART asynchronous transmit pin.


Pins 19, 20,21,22,27,28,29,30

These pins are belong to port d which is bidirectional port so when a microprocessor bus interfaced so it act as parallel slave port.


Pins 33-40: port B

These pins are from port b and RBO used as outside interrupt pin and RB6 and RB7 used in circuit debugger pins.

   Applications of PIC16F877A

1:  It is used in remote sensors.

2:  Used for security systems.

3:  Used for safety devices.

4:  It is used for automation in many industries.

Features of  PIC16F876A Microcontroller

      o   2 PWM 10-bit

o   256 Bytes EEPROM data memory

o   ICD

o   25mA sink/source per I/O

o   Self Programming

o   Program Memory (KB) -14

o   Pins count - 28

Pin Configurations of PIC16F876A Microcontroller


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